Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Fruit of Spirit as Creation > Page 3


Spirit & Spirit becoming created qualities

ongoing creation in the qualities

Page 3

the Subtle summons one into Silence
a living Silence, where qualities live first untouched by time, in time the qualities become clothed with thoughts

likewise, a movement occurs from one saying, "I feel love" or "I love"
to the unmediated knowing wherein one knows spontaneously, "I am love"

even in the knowing of oneself as being-love
spontaneous arisings of love-felt arise, then quickly dissolve
finding no place in the body to find grounding ~
this evidences the on-going Creation

this is a primal innocence, a childlike knowing, for
the child, initially, does not know about a quality, but is it, knowing it directly

a child, for example, enjoying play is joy
the child learns later to identify joy as something separate
from himself or herself

here, the primal innocence of union with qualities is lost
to be rediscovered by a pilgrimage of childlike knowing
beyond the original naivete

oneness does not deny any level of the evolution of experience of the qualities
while leading one back to the Spirit in which all qualities co-inhere in and as One

consequently, each quality is both a means to touch all qualities
and a way back to the Fount of all graces expressing Grace

so, to know in-experience-of any godly quality
means to know 'God'

hence, one does know have to believe about God
to know 'God' and enjoy 'God' as the Fullness of Good


*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.

*Move cursor over photos for details of copyright owner, title, and source.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Fruit of Spirit as Creation > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024